Hoffmann & Söhne (1981) German Cassic Softcore

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anonymous | 2 subscribers
Movie made by the Beate Uhse-company. Beate Uhse is to Germany what Hugh Heffner is for the USA. She is the biggest sex-producer of the country, publishing magazines, exploiting sex shops, making porn movies and she owns one of Europe's biggest postal order companies. This is quite an early production of hers, made in 1980. Apparently filmed in Amsterdam with German and French actors.

There isn't much of a story. Father and son Hoffmann run a bookstore. If a woman wants to be pleased sexually, she goes to the bookstore and asks for a magazine. She adds a password and is taken to the back room, where either father Hoffmann or his son, or both at the same time fulfill her sexual desires.

The female part of the cast is young and well looking. The male part is less impressive and to see father Hoffmann do his thing doesn't make you feel extremely happy. Oh, there is an orgy too. In the beginning father is wearing a strange uniform, but alas, he takes it off soon.

This is just a standard hard porn movie, with no story, no humor, no fancy camera-work and actors just doing what they were supposed to be doing. Should you fancy one or more of the girls, you are all right, otherwise skip the disc and move on to the next one. And should you pick up the DVD, be ware it contains a VHS-recording, which hasn't been pimped before it went on disc.

None of the girls was a real favourite of mine, but because of the good looks I rate this thing 2 out of 10.
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