German Das Lustschloss Der Josefine Mutzenbacher

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Josefine is called in to grant a dying baron his last wish in front of the witnesses and the notary. Then he signs his will and bequeaths his castle to Josefine on the condition that she sets up a school to help people overcome their sexual problems. Her clients are couples who are ignorant of the ways of love and some single females. We see some very practical lessons taking place in which Melitta is the main assistant teacher. A mock wedding cum gang-bang is arranged for the inexperienced bride Fanny and groom Josef. Some of the single females become whores. Fanny also joins the team. Josefine and Hannel are bathing in a stream when two men steal their clothes, demanding sex before they return them. This is interrupted by the arrival of the cavalry officer von Raabthal in his car. He rescues the naked girls and takes them home for a threesome. It later transpires that his daughter is Agathe, one of Josefine's new whores who has been taught how to become a dominatrix and that Colonel Nowak, a friend of Von Raabthal, is the man whom she has been dominating in the brothel. This results in a warrant being served for Josefine's arrest. She is taken off to a cell which she finds is already occupied by two whores. They lure the guards into the cell for sex. Josefine steals the key, enabling the escape of all three girls, leaving the guards locked up. Meanwhile, two government officials arrive at Josefine's house for the inquiry but they are easily seduced by Fanny and Agathe. Josefine is back at the brothel with her new recruits in time for Antonia to join in the orgy already taking place and experience a DP. The men are also joined by the manager of the prison. The men of law are content with the services at Josefine's house and they drop the warrant.
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