Flesh and Laces 2 American Classic Porn

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Lecherous old Harry (Jamie Gillis) is dying in the hospital. Uncertain as to how he should will his massive fortune, he makes a wager with his four children to challenge them to engage in the wildest and most erotic sexual escapades they can think of, with the winner being the sole beneficiary of the inheritance. However, if all four fail to impress, the money will be given over to charity. Eager to make a bid for the cash, each of the siblings indulge their most orgiastic fantasies as Harry watches the action on a closed circuit TV set from the confines of his hospital bed. But even in his sickly state, Harry can't keep his own libido at bay and soon begins to indulge his own sexual appetite with his doctors, nurses, and other members of the hospital staff. Carlos Tobalina's longest film, FLESH & LACES is a two part epic, running over three hours and featuring a gigantic supporting cast including Drea, Crystal Lake, Tamara Longley, Joey Silvera, John Stagliano, Bill Margold and the beautiful Shauna Grant. 2nd part.
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