K.K.K.: L'Incesto (2001) Italian Porn Movie

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Franco Roccaforte returns in this stupid, nearly all-sex followup to the campy KKK from Italy. As its title suggests (and turns out to be a spoiler), the movie's idiotic punch-line deals with incest.

Movie is book-ended by scenes of hooded guys in those white KKK costumes, torturing folks in a dungeon. But the action has nothing to do with the distinctly American phenomenon, unlike the never-ending globe-hopping manifestation of Neo-Nazis among the rise of White Supremacist nuts in recent decades.

An attractive femme cast of mainly blondes deliver the largely anal sex content, while Rocco's Black beauty sister is also prominent in the sex scenes. I wondered in my review of the first film idly where are the Fellinis and Viscontis of today? Be careful what you wish for, as this feature was directed by (no relation to film maestro Luchino V.) Romeo Visconti.
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